Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Are His Legs Broken?

It never ceases to amaze me what type of looks, questions and statements you get from others when you go out somewhere with a baby who wears casts.The looks go from concern to I get it. The top three questions are always: "What happened to his legs?", "How did he break them?" or "Club feet?"
Followed by the top three statements: "Poor baby!", "My grandmothers, uncles child had clubfeet" and "He'll be fine." I keep telling my husband that I can't get out of a store without  someone asking what is wrong with Braeden or needing to stay and listen to a story about someone else's experience with club feet."

It is remarkable that so many people recognize the situation, have a story to share, and can connect with me through this experience. It is also equally remarkable that half the population that I run into have never heard of club feet. In both situations, I figure that this is my chance to connect, educate and tell people a part of our story.

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