Tuesday 23 July 2013

The Good News We've Been Waiting For (Not the Nameless Royal Baby!)

It has been a while since I've written and I realize I have a lot to write about. However, I decided that this blog will focus on the appointment we just had because it was such good news. We finally saw Braeden's orthopaedic surgeon and he looked at Braeden's feet with excitement (Funny what makes people happy!). The doctor said that Braeden's feet look bigger which is a good sign because the tendons are not holding his feet back from growing. He also said that Braeden's feet are at the right flexion (in medical terms - 10 degrees dorsiflexion) in order to walk. Yeah!

The next step is to ensure that Braeden's feet do not go back to their original position. To help prevent relapse from happening, the surgeon has decided to put Braeden in custom-made splints that he wears during his naps and at night until he is 4 years old. I don't know if the surgeon is trying (or experimenting) with my son's situation, but apparently these splints are rare. Most children get the boots and the bar (aka: Mitchell braces) after this type of surgery and have great results, yet the doctor believes that in Braeden's situation the splints will work better. When we were talking with a resident during our appointment, she said that she wasn't aware of any other clinic that uses these custom splints like this.

Looking at the statistics online, atypical clubfeet has a high re-occurrence rate because (as the doctor says) we are fighting against genetics and the feet want to pull back in. Making sure that we stretch his feet twice a day and ensure that the splints are properly used will help to reprogram the tendons and muscles where they are supposed to be. It is interesting watching his feet trying to pull in, especially when Braeden is just sitting on the floor playing or when he is in his jolly jumper. Undeterred by this, Braeden is scooching everywhere and getting into everything like he is supposed to at this age. Also, he is already trying to stand up in his crib and everywhere else he can. I can't believe how resilient babies are! It took Braeden very little time to re-learn scootching on his bum and trying to stand up. Lets face it, as we get older we become wimps! If I had a major surgery like him I'd be the biggest whiner ever.

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