Thursday 27 June 2013

Medical Miracle

Before heading out to Braeden's appointment yesterday, while waiting to pay for our lunch, an older lady looks at Braeden, then looks at me and says: "My grandson had clubbed feet. After 10 hours of surgery and then casts, he is fine now. It really was a medical miracle!" I look at her, nod and smile. Half believing it, and the other half thinking "We will see with my little guy..."  Braeden's feet have been atypical from the beginning.  Hence, the hesitation.

However, I am glad to say that Braeden's appointment yesterday went "normal-ish." I say "normal-ish" because the doctor that regularly sees Braeden was on holidays so we met one of his colleagues who was just as knowledgeable and just as good a doctor. Our original doctor suggested that Braeden be put into splints instead of boots and bars (aka: Mitchell braces or Ponseti AFO braces) because he believes that his feet will find it harder to regress. As Braeden continues to grow, we will know if the splints are working by whether or not they are keeping his feet where they are supposed to be.

What I found surprising was the drastic change in Braeden's feet when the orthopaedic technician removed Braeden's casts.

Before First Surgery (August 2012)
After Second Surgery (June 2013)
Looking at pictures of his feet like the ones above, puts into perspective how much the medical world has progressed. It was only 10-15 years ago that club feet were treated by breaking the bones of the feet and then casting them. Now, serial casting, cutting certain tendons and then re-casting are used to correct the feet. Thankfully, the current treatments can be less invasive and waaayyyy less painful. So really, the lady was right, treating club feet by surgery and casting is a medical miracle.


  1. oh hooray!!! that is SUCH great news!!

    1. I know! Long road, long journey, but so worth it!

  2. Wow! Praise God :) They look great! Such a change.

  3. Just noticed this post today, but know you've mentioned it to me before. I'm so glad he is free now and your family can enter an exciting new chapter!! Such great news!
