Thursday 20 June 2013

Patience is NOT my virtue!

I must admit I am an impatient person. I am a person that is always about get things done and a get it over with type of person. As a mother, low and behold, I am still impatient. But the worst part is I recognize it even more. Something about motherhood brings out the best and worst in me. I have been assured that most mothers feel this way so no worries about confirming these thoughts!

The impatient mother came out today when I sat and thought about Braeden's upcoming appointment (or lack thereof). My husband and I realized a couple of days ago that the children's hospital had not given us Braeden's next appointment date via a phone call or a letter. Puzzled about this situation, I decided to call the children's hospital on Tuesday only to find out that someone had forgotten to tell the scheduling department that my son had a follow-up appointment. She also informed me that Braeden's orthopaedic doctor will not be in for the next 2 weeks. The scheduling lady was nice and apologized about the mix up and told me that she would call about what the doctor wants to do about Braeden's appointment. During the phone call, I was gracious and forgiving.

That was 2 days ago!

As I watched Braeden drag himself across the kitchen floor today, suddenly the impatient bear (mixed with a tad bit of anger) reared its ugly head and the only PG thoughts that I can express online were: "I have waited almost 6 weeks for these stupid, gross-looking casts to come off of Braeden's legs and they forgot to make a follow-up appointment!!  Also, 'nice' scheduling lady hasn't called back yet and I might have to wait another 3 weeks until the casts come off!"  By this time, Braeden has scooted at my feet, one casted leg behind him and the other in front with his big brown eyes begging me to pick him up. Of course, I pick him up because who can resist those huge brown eyes. Looking back at that moment, my impatience and tad bit of anger stems from two things. The first is yearning to experience a sense of normalcy. This year has been far from normal and not being able to experience the excitement of the crawling, standing, and walking milestones has been heartbreaking. Yes, I know that they will come and yes, I am really enjoying the fact that I am still  faster than Braeden, but that still does not stop the impatient yearning of normalcy.
The second stem is the desire to move on to the next chapter of club feet. In past blogs, I wrote about how this process was suppose to be simple - 6 to 8 weeks of casting, tenotomy, braces and walah this baby is healed! But the clubfeet journey has not been as simple as all the hospital literature said it would be. It has increasingly become complex and I so badly just want to get to the next phase of this journey.

Ultimately, I want to be able to wear a t-shirt that states: "Clubfeet: I've been there, done that!"

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